Improved Corporate Finance

Improved Corporate Finance

IMPROVED Corporate Finance | M&A | Amsterdam. Learn more

Launch date
Company register number 58575510
Amsterdam North Holland (HQ)

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More about Improved Corporate Finance

IMPROVED is the leading international Corporate Finance boutique with unmatched expertise in the Technology, Energy and Mobility sectors.

Our highly dedicated team of +20 specialised dealmakers and sector experts, offers unique intelligence and unlocks value with deep relationships at corporates, investors, and ecosystem partners at decision-making levels.

The track record of many landmark deals shows that we excel in what are considered complex transactions that require our unmatched business creativity.

This includes a.o. cross-border M&A sell-side, buy-side, private placement, equity capital market and debt transactions.

We offer tailored services to serve the needs of our clients and realise landmark deals with winners only.

When engaging with IMPROVED, you will experience our sheer dedication to outperform and 100% commitment to deliver results which exceed expectations.

Once we are on your side, we are your invaluable long-term partner.

We invite entrepreneurs, investors, and corporates to reach out to challenge Team IMPROVED to ignite your growth ambitions and realise your goals.