JANA Investment Advisers

JANA Investment Advisers

Launch date
Company register number 006717568
Melbourne Victoria (HQ)

Recent News about JANA Investment Advisers

More about JANA Investment Advisers

JANA is an established investment advisory firm with 30 years’ of experience and over $600bn funds under advice. JANA advises around 80 institutional clients, including corporations, charities, endowment funds, foundations, Government, superannuation funds, insurers, family offices and other trusts.

Asset consulting is JANA’s core business. We are a client-focused organisation with a transparent commitment to servicing our clients both now and in the future, specifically focused on delivering superior investment outcomes.

JANA undertook a management buyout in September 2017 and is now majority owned by staff. This serves to deliver greater alignment of our staff with the success of our clients and in turn the success of JANA. It provides us with a distinctive advantage in the Australian market place through enhancing our ability to attract, develop and retain the best talent.

JANA has provided investment consulting advice since 1987, and the service continues to evolve as our clients and investment markets evolve. It comprises, in brief:

Traditional Advice:

• Asset allocation

• Manager selection

• Direct asset investment

• Market and manager research

• Transition research, advice and tender services

• Currency advice

• Asset allocation and currency overlay research and advice

• Operational due diligence and custodial reviews

Implemented Advice:

Together with our partner platform provider, this service provides:

• Active performance management

• Active asset allocation

• Manager appointments and terminations

• Mandate/portfolio compliance reporting

• Performance analysis and reporting

• Daily portfolio re-balancing

JANA advised clients are prevalent in peer relative performance rankings over multiple time periods and, equally important, this out performance is evident since the inception of JANA. Over this time, the median JANA Balanced Fund has outperformed its peer group by an average of 1.09% p.a

Investments by JANA Investment Advisers
