LifeX Ventures

LifeX Ventures

Supporting scientists and entrepreneurs launching technologies that extend the longevity of people and planet. Learn more

Launch date
New York City New York (HQ)
Notable known LPs: Mastertech Capital

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More about LifeX Ventures

Life Extension for People and Planet. Investing where Software meets Science.

Life Extension Ventures invests in the two largest sectors in the world, People and Planet, where Software suddenly matters.

Software is changing the process of commercializing and discovering breakthroughs for human (bio/health) and planetary (climate) longevity:

* Faster adoption - means commercialization and monetization of breakthroughs using internet tech: Web3, marketplaces, payments/fintech, DAOs, networks, privacy layers, branding, new business models, operators, ...

* Faster innovation - means new platforms and infrastructure: SaaS, analytics, visualization tools, APIs, data as-a-service, OSs, workflow automation, simulations, AI / prediction tools, design and collaboration tools, ...