

Accelerator for Global Startups. Learn more

Launch date
Company register number 07547667
Amsterdam North Holland (HQ), Copenhagen Capital Region of Denmark (founding location)
Notable known LPs: Dave Dirks, Slingshot Ventures

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Startup Accelerator program with programs in 5 cities: Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Dublin, Haifa

Partner @ Global Accelerator Netowrk

10 teams are selected from hundreds of applicants to join a 3 month acceleration program.

Each team gets:

♦ €15k per team

♦ Top-notch mentoring from 100+ serial entrepreneurs and gurus

♦ Free space in an incubator environment in the heart of the city

♦ 3 month development program to convert an idea into a working, and funded, company

♦ Opportunity to pitch to active business angels and venture capitalists at Investor Day